Friday, January 22, 2010

"House of Numbers" AIDS / HIV documentary opens in Portland, Oregon

(NaturalNews) The House of Numbers documentary by Brent Leung, which explores myths about AIDS, HIV and AIDS tests, is currently touring across U.S. universities.

It opens today (January 22) at the Regal Fox Tower Stadium 10 in Portland, Oregon and runs there through January 28:

846 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205
Ph. (503) 221-3280

Attend the Q&A with Director Brent Leung Friday Evening.

For more information:

House of Numbers has played at over 20 Universities and continues the college tour. If you would like to book a screening and Q&A with the director at your college, e-mail Brent Leung via

Audience reaction to House of Numbers

The audience reaction to House of Numbers has been very exciting to watch. Many are opening their eyes and beginning to question the medical myths behind the AIDS industry.

Watch this debate between two audience members who just saw the film:

House of Numbers is causing more and more people to question the validity of HIV tests and the real motives of the drug companies who propel the AIDS industry forward. People are now realizing that the AIDS industry is much like the cancer industry -- it actually causes sickness and disease even while claiming to provide "treatment!"

Watch for more exclusive film clips to be released at

The House of Numbers documentary is coming to DVD this June.

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