Friday, February 26, 2010

Oops! Brain cancer patients over-irradiated with miscalibrated radiotherapy machines

(NaturalNews) One of the advantages of natural medicine is that if you make a mistake on your dosage, it's usually no big deal because natural medicine is inherently safe. But conventional medicine, with all its toxic chemotherapy poisons and irradiation machines, can be fatal even when simple mistakes are made. Numerous patients have already been killed by miscalibrated chemotherapy pumps that drip poison in to the bodies of patients. And now there's news from Springfield Missouri where an actively-used brain cancer irradiation machine has been miscalibratedsince 2004.

Oops. Gee, didn't anyone wonder why the burn marks were so severe and patients were losing brain function so rapidly?

Oh, wait. I forgot: Nobody noticed because losing cognitive function is a "normal" side effect of conventional cancer treatments. Harming patients in the cancer industry is now so routine that nobody even notices it anymore!

Nobody bothered to check the machine

The facts of this case are a bit frightening because this could happen anywhere, in any hospital: For the last five years, patients undergoing brain irradiation treatments have been over-exposed to very high levels of radiation. The radiation machine at the CoxHealth hospital in Springfield, Missouri was apparently never calibrated correctly. The incompetent technicians who set up the machine (who probably lost their own brain function as a result of being around so many miscalibrated radiation machines) apparently never bothered to configure it correctly. They just used the default setting the machine came with, which happened to be the "Fry my brain" setting.

Now here's the really scary part: The massive radiation overdose problem was only discovered when the hospital trained a new physician on the machine. They were apparently going over all the settings and functions of the machine when the new doctor asked something like, "Hey, why is this dosage knob turned all the way up to 'Hiroshima'?"

Hospital administrators scratched their heads (after which clumps of hair fell out) and then began to realize something was wrong. "This might explain all the severe radiation burns on patients skulls..."


So what, exactly, do you do in a case like this? Do you call all the brain cancer patients who suffered radiation burns and a loss of cognitive function and say, "Um, we're really sorry that we fried your brain because we were too stupid to configure the radiation machine correctly..."

Or do you just hope no one notices because cancer patients are too frightened to know the difference between "treatment" and a radiological assault?

I have a solution to this problem

This accidental irradiation overdose issue is a huge problem all across the country. Radiation machines are often miscalibrated, and there's virtually no oversight by anyone. Hospitals can openly operate miscalibrated machines for years on end without anyone doing a single thing to stop them.

But I have a simple, highly-effective solution to this problem: Just require cancer doctors to irradiate their own brainsusing the machines before treating patients. If such a rule were enforced, I'll bet you that all of a sudden those machines would be correctly calibrated.

Naturopathic physicians, by the way, aren't afraid to take the same medicine they're about to prescribe to patients. You need these anti-viral herbs? I'll take some too just to show you how safe they are, see? No big deal.

But conventional cancer doctors would never inject themselves with chemotherapy or stick their heads under an operating radiotherapy machine. You know why? Because those treatments are dangerous! That's why they're reserved solely for patients. Only the patients get poisoned and irradiated.

Why do you think radiology technicians flee the room before they fire up their machines on patients? They flee the room because they don't want to be anywhere near that radiation!

Cancer doctors aren't very bright about curing cancer, but they are smart enough to figure out that radiation = cancer. Which makes it all the more hilarious that they use radiation to treat cancer, huh?

Apparently, radiation is good for YOU, but dangerous for THEM. It's a strange double standard...

How you can tell if radiation machines are dangerous

For those reading this who are still wishing to submit to radiation treatments for tumors, this commonsense question may have occurred to you: How can you tell if the machine is dangerous?

The answer is simpler than you think: If it's ON!

There is no such thing as a "safe" irradiation machine. Even if the setting is the "normal" dose for radiation, it's still extremely dangerous. This is obvious by the fact that the whole point of the machine is to emit so much radiation that it kills cells in your body. The problem with this approach is that it doesn't just kill the cancer tumor cells; it also irradiates all the healthy cells in the path of the radiation, which is of course a straight line penetrating your skull (or other part of your body).

The only safe radiation machine is a non-functioning radiation machine.

And technically, even that's not true. Here's why...

Radioactive waste

Hospitals are a major source of radioactive waste. It's one of the dirty little secrets of the sick care industry: All these machines that emit radiation contain radioactive elements, of course. And when these machines are replaced or disposed of, their radioactive elements become radioactive waste.

The disposal of this waste is supposed to be highly regulated, but it isn't as tightly controlled as you might imagine. In fact, a properly motivated terrorist could easily acquire some old hospital imaging equipment that still contains "hot" radioactive elements. (They can also get this from discarded dental X-ray equipment...)

Once you have these radioactive elements, it's a simple matter to build a so-called "dirty bomb." All you do is attach the radioactive core of the imaging equipment to some conventional explosives that can blast the core into dust, giving you airborne radioactive dust. Then you detonate that in an area with maximum population density, air flow or water flow to a populated area. It's no exaggeration to say that medical imaging equipment provides the raw materials for terrorists to quite easily bomb U.S. cities or water supplies in a radiological attack.

Isn't medicine bizarre? Not only do the "treatments" expose you to excess radiation, but the equipment used in hospitals is also a source of raw materials for weapons of mass destruction. Remember all those WMDs that were supposed to be in Iraq? They were never found because they're sitting in American hospitals disguised as radiotherapy machines and currently being targeted on American citizens. They actually draw a target on your skull when they fire these machines at you, by the way. How obvious can it get?

Whatever cancer you might have, I can guarantee you that your body is not deficient in radiation.

Irradiating your skull to treat cancer makes about as much sense as injecting poison into your veins to treat cancer (chemotherapy). It's one of the most misguided ideas to have ever been floated by the sick care industry -- an industry that still offers absolutely no solutions for curing cancer.

And yet, curing cancer is simple. Your body already knows how to do it. In the world of natural medicine, cancer is one of the most straightforward "diseases" to reverse if patients are willing to clean up their diets and embrace a healing lifestyle.

McCain bill threatens access to vitamins and supplements

(NaturalNews) Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) has introduced a new bill called The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA) of 2010 (S. 3002), that, if enacted, would severely curtail free access to dietary supplements. Cosponsored by Senator Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota), the bill would essentially give the FDA full control over the supplement industry.

Most of the industrialized world has incredibly restrictive laws governing supplements. People worldwide often purchase supplements from the U.S. because they are freely available at low costs.

All of this could change, however, if DSSA passes. DSSA would change key sections of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C), undoing protections in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, effectively eliminating free access to supplements.

The importance of DSHEA
The passage of DSHEA resulted from millions of Americans who worked hard to reinforce their freedom to buy and sell supplements. At the time, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was alleging that nutrients like CoQ10 and selenium were dangerous and should be pulled from the market.

Though weak in some areas, DSHEA established a foundation upon which free access to dietary supplements would be protected from attacks by drug companies and the FDA.

What prompted DSSA?
McCain's DSSA bill emerged in response to illegal steroid use among Major League Baseball players. Likely instigated by pharmaceutical interests, the bill is being posited as necessary to prevent supplement adulteration.

The FDA already has the power to pull supplements from the market that are contaminated but it has not been doing its job. DSSA is not only unnecessary, but it would actually reward the FDA for its failures. DSSA would also strip DSHEA and give full control of the supplement industry to the FDA.

Registration requirements
DSSA would mandate that all supplement companies register with the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), which oversees the FDA. Any company that refuses to register and comply with HHS would be subject to hefty fines, the classification of its products as "adulterated", and their removal from the market. The new system would burden manufacturers with significant new costs that would cause supplement prices to increase. A new taxpayer-funded bureaucracy would also be created to conduct inspections and oversee compliance.

Reporting requirements
DSSA would require all "non-serious adverse events" received by supplement companies to be reported to the government, regardless of whether or not the events are related to the supplements for which they are submitted. Pharmaceutical companies would have access to these reports which they could use to petition the FDA to have supplements removed from the market. The FDA could also arbitrarily pull supplements from the market if it believes it has "reasonable probability" that there may be a problem.

FDA would decide which supplements are legal
Perhaps the most chilling aspect of DSSA is that it would allow the HHS Secretary to establish a list of permitted supplements. Reversing common law, which assumes all is legal unless restricted, DSSA would allow only what is permitted to be legal.

In a nutshell, DSSA would increase supplement costs for consumers, grant incredible new power over the supplement industry to the FDA, and drastically limit the availability of supplements. Drug companies could also use the bill to remove supplements from the market, patent them, and sell them as drugs!

It is absolutely critical to contact your Congressmen and oppose this bill. LifeExtension Magazine has a convenient"Action Alert" page in which to do so.


Senator McCain Files New Bill That Attacks Your Access to Supplements and Repeals Key Sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act - Alliance for Natural Health

The Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 - Senator John McCain

New Bill Seeks to Ban Consumer Access to Dietary Supplements - Life Extension Foundation

Bitter melon stops breast cancer cells from growing and spreading

(NaturalNews) A vegetable commonly eaten in India and China called bitter melon (also known by the botanical name Momordica charantia), has been shown in previous studies to have a beneficial impact on blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It turns out that's not all the health benefits bitter melon offers. A new study by Saint Louis University scientists provides evidence the vegetable triggers a chain of events on a cellular level that stops breast cancer cells from multiplying and also kills them.

Lead researcher Ratna Ray, Ph.D., a professor in the department of pathology at Saint Louis University, noted in a statement to the media that she personally uses bitter melon when she cooks stir fry dishes. She decided to investigate the health effects of bitter melon extract after other researchers discovered how it can lower blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels. In fact, bitter melon extract has been used by traditional healers in China and India for centuries as a natural treatment for diabetes. But Dr. Ray was surprised to find this vegetable was a powerful inhibitor of breast cancer growth, too.

"To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the effect of bitter melon extract on cancer cells," Dr. Ray stated. "Our result was encouraging. We have shown that bitter melon extract significantly induced death in breast cancer cells and decreased their growth and spread."

The research, published in the March 1 edition of Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, involved human breast cancer cells exposed to bitter melon extract in the lab. Dr. Ray cautioned that it is too early to jump to conclusions that the extract could help breast cancer patients -- but her findings are promising.

"Cancer prevention by the use of naturally occurring dietary substances is considered a practical approach to reduce the ever-increasing incidence of cancer. Studying a high risk breast cancer population where bitter melon is taken as a dietary product will be an important area of future research," Dr. Ray said in the press statement.

Dr. Ray and colleagues are currently conducting follow-up studies. They are looking at a number of different cancer cell lines in order to investigate how bitter melon halts cancer cell growth. They are also planning to test the vegetable extract in animals to see if it will delay or kill breast cancer cells. If that research goes well, clinical trials in human breast cancer patients could soon follow.

"Breast cancer is a major killer among women around the world, and in that perspective, results from this study are quite significant," Rajesh Agarwal, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Colorado, Denver School of Pharmacy, and the Cancer Research associate editor for this study, commented in a media release. "This study may provide us with one more agent as an extract that could be used against breast cancer if additional studies hold true."

Bitter melon is widely grown in Asia, Africa and South America. Extracts of this vegetable are currently included in some dietary supplements in Western countries because bitter melon is known to contain healthful phytochemicals such as carotenoids, flavanoids and polyphenols, as well as vitamin C.

For more information:

Big Pharma Fabricates "Female Sexual Dysfunction" to Sell More Drugs

(NaturalNews) The pharmaceutical industry is attempting to convince the public that a variety of normal conditions affecting the majority of women should be classified as "female sexual dysfunction" and treated with drugs.

The medical establishment has a long history of treating the female body as sexually dysfunctional, from when Hippocrates first attributed "hysteria" to a wandering uterus. According to JoAnn Wypijewski, former senior editor of The Nation, this perspective fell out of favor with the sexual revolution of the 1970s but has since re-emerged.

"Today the cultural air is thick with sex, but the rhetoric of freedom and rights largely serves a commodified notion of sexual satisfaction," Wypijewski said. "The politics has dropped out, and without politics we're all just ... potential patients."

A 2005 article in the medical journal BMJ noted the emergence of drugs intended to treat "female sexual dysfunction." In spite of skepticism from the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical industry has pressed ahead, insisting that conditions such as an inability to regularly achieve orgasm through intercourse alone, low levels of sexual desire, and sexual dissatisfaction are medical disorders in need of treatment.

All these conditions are normal for women at various points throughout their lives. Yet proponents of the label "female sexual dysfunction" claim that anywhere from 43 percent to 70 percent of women are actually ill; Oprah has called it as an "epidemic."

The cure, according to the pharmaceutical industry, is testosterone treatment or other drugs. Meanwhile, Wypijewski notes that rates of "vaginal rejuvenation" (tightening) among middle-aged women and "laser labiaplasty" (reshaping of the labia) among younger women continue to rise. A doctor in North Carolina even offers to implant an electrode in women's spinal columns to help them achieve orgasm during sex.

"Female sexual dysfunction, it turns out, was wholly created by drug companies," Wypijewski said. "The more obstinate question is ... whether a resistant politics can grow up to say ... 'We want out' of the profit system and ... out of a medical model that elevates a doctor over ... a more sensual ease with oneself and others."

Sources for this story include:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Amazon John Easterling joins NaturalNews Talk Hour, plus guest Richard Cicchetti

(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour presents "Amazon John" Easterling, Founder of Amazon Herb Company as we discuss "Secrets from the Amazon Rainforest" and Richard Cicchetti, talking about "Healing Herbs, Powerful Solutions". This is a rare opportunity to learn about the beauty and power of medicinal herbs. Our show starts Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the right column of this page and you'll receive call-in details for the broadcast.

The NaturalNews Talk Hour is a "behind the scenes", up close and personal look at the most important issues of our time. Discover what the mainstream media hasn't told you about the secrets of optimal health, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

Jonathan Landsman, host of NaturalNews Talk Hour, says, "The first part of this show will take you on a mystical journey through the Amazon Rainforest. Together, we will connect with one of the most powerful places on earth. By the end of this program, you will have a new found LOVE and appreciation for the plant kingdom and life itself."

With participation by the Health Ranger, the NaturalNews Talk Hour features top-notch guests like Drs. Julian Whitaker, Bernie Siegel, T. Colin Campbell plus many other notable experts on healthy living.

Reader feedback about the talk hour has been extremely positive. One listener sent us this testimonial about the show:

"First off, Mike Adams and the NaturalNews website has forever changed my life. The independent point of view is a critical part of people awakening to what is "really" going on and how it affects their life on a daily basis. Now with the NaturalNews Talk Hour and the incredible guest list they are hosting, with their extensive knowledge and personal experiences, the information they can pass on to us is the "road-map" for personal health and healing. Words cannot express my sincerest thanks to the entire team for all that you do."
-Andy M.

The NaturalNews Talk Hour is sponsored by the NaturalNews MOXXOR Team. MOXXOR is a NEW class of omegas and antioxidants blended together into a powerful supplement. Improve your mobility, brain function and emotional well-being. To order MOXXOR – email:

Each show will continue to feature many of the top natural health experts in the world. To receive each week's unique call-in number, simply register by entering your email address in the form on the right.

This week's guest: "Amazon John" Easterling and Richard Cicchetti

"Amazon John" Easterling - Secrets from the Amazon Rainforest and Richard Cicchetti - Healing Herbs, Powerful Solutions - Thu. Feb. 25th

"Amazon John" Easterling, who holds a degree in Environmental Studies from the University of North Carolina, spent many years searching the Amazon Rainforest for treasures and ancient artifacts.

During his years of exploration in the Rainforest, he was introduced to the traditional use of medicinal plants. After a health crisis and life-changing experience using these botanicals, a simple truth became clear: The real treasure of the Rainforest is, in fact, the life-enhancing properties of the Rainforest plants.

Amazon Herb Co. is committed to creating a prosperous future for the Amazon by making the health potential of the Rainforest available to everyone and supporting like-minded entrepreneurs who share their vision. This company is truly dedicated to making a difference in YOUR life and the future of our planet.

Richard Cicchetti is a lifestyle trainer and coach specializing in the healing power of Amazon Herbs. His knowledge of herbs coupled with love and compassion for others is a gift to all of us. Richard offers real hope and health solutions for people living in a troubled world.

Since 1983, Richard has been the founder and president of NATURALUTIONS dedicated to supporting the health and happiness of people around the world. For over 30 years, Richard has been teaching and supporting others on how to maintain a high level of health and well being and, for those that are interested, start and build their own successful nutritional eco-business in the comfort of their home.

A Rare Opportunity! Two GREAT shows for one fantastic price – F.R.E.E. Register now using the email form in the right column, and you will be emailed show details. Don't miss out -- space is limited -- Register Now!

Heal Yourself in 15 Days by Cleaning Up Your Skin Exposure (Part Ten)

(NaturalNews) Continuing with our 15-day self healing series, today we focus on cleaning up your skin exposures. By "skin exposures," I mean all the things your skin comes into contact with... and the sheer quantity of those things will probably surprise you.

But first, let's get something out of the way that's crucial to all this. The consumer products industry wants you to believe their "Big Lie". The Big Lie is that chemicals you put on your skin don't get absorbed into your bloodstream. So there's no need to make sure consumer products are actually safe.

The FDA and most members of the conventional medical community also believe this lie: They don't acknowledge the absorption properties of the skin, so they tend to say that all the things you put on your skin are perfectly safe for your health even if they contain toxic chemicals. (Of course, these very same people then promote nicotine patches and other drugs delivered through the skin, so they do indirectly acknowledge that the skin absorbs chemicals.)

How many different products come into contact with your skin on a regular basis? You'd be shocked to consider all the sources:

• Perfumes, colognes and other fragrance products.
• Shampoo.
• Shower soap or shower gel products.
• Pesticides used on your lawn which are carried to you through pets or children.
• Skin creams.
• Sunscreen products.
• Cosmetics.
• Antibacterial hand soaps.
• Laundry detergents and dryer sheets (through your clothing).
• Dish soaps.
• Furniture polishes.
• Household cleaners such as window cleaners.
• Artificial dyes found in clothing.
• Feminine hygiene products.
• Deodorants and anti-perspirants.
• Shaving creams and after-shave products.
• Hair dyes.
• Massage oils and lotions.
• Hair sculpting products and hair sprays.
• Tattoos and temporary skin art.
• Insect repellants.
• Over-the-counter creams: Anti-itch, pain creams, etc.
• Chlorine in your shower water.
• Anti-flea and tick chemicals acquired by touching your pets.

Cancer-causing chemicals

If you look at all these products whose ingredients come into contact with your skin, you'll begin to realize something quite disturbing: They're loaded with cancer-causing chemicals!

The average perfume product, just as an example, contains over twenty cancer-causing chemicals all by itself -- and these are never even listed on the label. Antibacterial soaps are made with a chemical that's similar to the nerve toxin chemical called Agent Orange which was used as a chemical weapon in the Vietnam War.

Hair dyes contain highly toxic chemical solvents. Conventional laundry detergents are made with extremely toxic cancer-causing fragrance chemicals. Conventional cosmetics are loaded with not just cancer-causing chemicals, but also heavy metals like lead. Lawn pesticides contain chemicals that promote Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

The list goes on and on...

The products listed above probably contain over 10,000 different synthetic chemicals, and virtually none of them have ever been safety tested or approved as safe for human consumption by any federal agency. The EPA doesn't even know what many of these chemicals are because companies claim they need to protect their formulation "trade secrets" by not even listing the ingredients on product labels.

But think about these 10,000 chemicals for a moment and ask yourself this question: Why are you putting them on your skin?

Mainstream consumers poison themselves

Consumers are very easy to covertly influence through corporate advertising. I'm particularly struck by the advertising of a cologne product called "Axe" which is marketed to clueless teenage boys who naively believe that wearing these toxic chemicals will magically bring them hoards of slutty women who want to have sex with them. That's the underlying message of the Axe Cologne advertising, anyway.

So these teenage boys buy up these Axe products which include cologne, deodorant and shampoo. Naturally, they're oblivious to the fact that these products are made with artificial, synthetic fragrance chemicals that are absorbed right through the skin. None of these chemicals have been approved as safe for human consumption by the FDA, of course. But young men coat their bodies with these chemicals with no regard for their own health, thinking that smelling like Axe will reward you with female companionship.

And the ads work! Axe sales are through the roof. Sex sells everything... even synthetic chemicals.

Are you poisoning yourself, too?

But if you think these teenage boys are silly for buying such products, think about your own personal care products. Do you buy conventional shampoo? Sunscreens? Lotions? Cosmetics? Which toxic products are still in your own bathroom, kitchen or garage?

I've visited a lot of homes of people who told me they were "super health conscious." Yet in almost every case when I visit such homes, I still find they're using conventional laundry detergents, brand-name soaps in the bathroom, toxic skin lotions and baby products, etc. It is extremely rare for me to walk into someone's house and not find a huge assortment of cancer-causing products there.

People are poisoning themselves by poisoning their skin with synthetic chemicals. And they still think they're "health conscious!"

Most people, you see, are kidding themselves about protecting their skin from toxic, cancer-causing products. They may follow a fairly healthy diet, but they still bathe their skin in chemicals that damage the brain, liver, heart and kidneys. For some strange reason, many people who are acutely aware of what they put in their mouth are surprisingly unaware of what's contained in the products they put on their skin.

The point of this article is to raise your awareness of what's in the products your skin comes into contact with, and then to take new action to get all those toxic products out of your home.

Action items: What you can do right now

This may sound crazy, but here's what I want you to do: Go through your entire house, covering every room including the garage, under the kitchen sink, the bathroom closet and so on. Gather up every "chemical" product and throw them all out. (You're poisoning the environment by doing so, of course, but you're going to make up for that by never buying these products again...)

This includes all your conventional cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, fragrance products, cleaning products, laundry products, bug sprays, air "fresheners" and the whole lot. Gather them all up and throw them out.

More importantly make a commitment to never buy these products again. That's the only way to enjoy a long-term benefit for your health, of course.

Once this is done, begin to detox your body from these synthetic chemicals using a variety of detox products: Zeolites, chlorella supplements, cilantro, spirulina, etc. Drink a lot of water. Take liver detox herbs to support healthy liver function during all this. (I recommend Livatrex from ).

Within just a few days, your chemical burden will start to fall as your body eliminates the chemicals that have been routinely poisoning it. After six months, your chemical load can drop as much as 90 percent, greatly reducing the chemical stress on your liver and kidneys while sharply reducing your risk of cancer and other neurological disorders.

Over time, your health will improve as your exposure to synthetic chemicals plummets. This action, combined with all the other steps in this 15-day self healing series, will vastly improve your health while slowing or even halting the development of many different degenerative diseases such as cancer, liver disease or Alzheimer's.

Previous articles in this 15-day "Heal Yourself" series

Part One - Remove barriers to healing

Part Two - Unleash your inner healing potential

Part Three - You are what you absorb

Part Four - Transform your health by making new blood

Part Five - Experience the healing potential of living plant juices

Part Six - Accelerate your healing with a 24-hour fast

Part Seven - Heal yourself by rejecting the mainstream crowd

Part Eight - Stop making disease

Part Nine - Correct your nature deficiency

Health reform bill steals from the young to cover sick care costs of the elderly

(NaturalNews) Buzz about the health care reform bill never seems to end as talking heads from across the political spectrum duel it out over how best to control people through health care. What the population at large may not be aware of is that, if it passes in its current form, it will require young people between the ages of 18 and 35, many of whom are uninsured, to purchase government coverage.

Setting aside the fact that such a proposal is blatantly unconstitutional, the day may come when 18 million uninsured young people who are already strapped for cash will be required to purchase insurance from the federal government. Anyone who fails to comply can be penalized with yearly fines as high as $2,250 in the Senate version, depending on a one's income. Under the House bill provisions, a person can be fined at 2.5 percent of his income.

The purpose of requiring young people to purchase insurance is to keep the premiums low for everyone else. In essence, the bill would require young, healthy people to subsidize older, unhealthy people by paying for a service they likely will not use very often, if ever.

The epitome of dictatorial socialism, government-run healthcare penalizes the healthy at the expense of the unhealthy. All incentives to improve health are demolished within a system that essentially rewards unhealthy people with care provided by the hard-earned money of healthy people.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, explained that no matter what, younger people are going to bear the brunt of any sort of reform that gives the federal government control over health care. He emphasized that there are ways around the mandate, including not having to purchase any insurance until the moment it is actually needed.

Jim Capretta from the Ethics and Public Policy Center, on the other hand, defended insurance mandates and their corresponding fines, insisting that when all is said and done it is still less expensive than having to purchase traditional insurance. Because typical individual premiums can be upwards of thousands of dollars, he believes that a fine of several hundred dollars is still a great deal.

But a few questions remain. What provision in the Constitution gives the right to the federal government to mandate health insurance coverage? Where in the Constitution is the government given permission to run health care? These are some of the questions that should be getting asked concerning health care reform.

Sources for this story include:

Doctors Warn About Dangers of Genetically Modified Food

(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has warned that the public should avoid genetically modified (GM) foods, stating, "There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation."

A large number of studies and incidents have implicated GM foods in a wide variety of health problems, including accelerated aging, immune dysfunction, insulin disorders, organ damage and reproductive disruption.

For example, female rats fed a diet of GM soy experienced a drastically higher infant death rate, and their surviving infants were smaller and less fertile than the offspring of rats fed on a non-GM soy diet. Male rats fed the GM soy had their testicles change from pink to blue, and the GM soy was also observed to damage the DNA of sperm and embryos. Fertility problems such as abortion, infertility, premature delivery, prolapsed uteri, infant death, and even delivery of unformed infants (bags of water) have been observed in farm animals fed GM cottonseed and corn.

Animals consuming crops that have been genetically modified to produce the pesticide Bt (approved for human consumption in the United States) have died by the thousands, while animals grazing on a non-GM version of the same crops remained unharmed. Upon autopsies, researchers have found black patches in the animals' livers and intestines, internal bleeding and other signs of Bt poisoning. Farm workers in India have begun developing allergic reactions upon handling Bt corn, similar to the effects experienced by people exposed to Bt spraying.

In addition to these risks, GM soy and corn contain significantly higher concentrations of allergens than unmodified varieties. Evidence also suggests that the genetic abnormalities of GM foods may transfer to bacteria in the human gut, thereby exposing people to their detrimental effects long after a food has been consumed.

Yet in spite of all this evidence and the prevalence of GM crops in the U.S. food supply not a single clinical trial of any GM crop has ever been published.

"The experiments simply haven't been done and we now have become the guinea pigs," said Canadian geneticist David Suzuki. "Anyone that says, 'Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,' I say is either unbelievably stupid or deliberately lying."

Sources for this story include:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Choking on Hot Dogs? It's not the shape, it's the ingredients

(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Pediatrics is making headlines this week with a bizarre recommendation that hot dogs should be re-shaped to make them less of a choking hazard for children. But there's no mention of all the cancer-causing chemical ingredients that actually go into the hot dogs. Pediatric physicians are apparently more concerned about the shapethan the ingredients. And they apparently have no concern about the truth that hot dogs contain cancer-causing ingredients.

Hot dogs contain sodium nitrite, of course -- a cancer-causing ingredient that's been widely linked to pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer. People who eat hot dogs and other processed meats have a 67% increased risk of pancreatic cancer(

Processed meats no doubt contribute to a large number of childhood cancers. According to the National Cancer Institute, over 1,500 children die each year in the United States from childhood cancer (

How many children actually die from choking on hot dogs, anyway? I'll bet you it's a fraction of the number of children who die from leukemia or brain cancer each year.

That the AAP would be so concerned about the shape of hot dogs while remaining silent about the health harm caused by hot dog ingredients isn't all that surprising, actually: These are physicians who often focus on treating children with yet more chemicals such as ADHD drugs, antibiotics and antidepressants. One such pediatrician just got arrested for sexually assaulting over one hundred children in his medical practice (

Of course, that whacko doesn't represent all pediatricians. Most pediatric physicians are caring human beings who really want to help children. And that's where this advice about changing the shape of hot dogs comes from: These doctors genuinely want to prevent children from choking on these processed meat products.

So what should the new shape be... rectangular? Should hot dogs be made into long rectangle shapes so they resemble pink lumber? It would certainly prevent them from rolling out of the buns, wouldn't it?

Then again, we might have to redesign the buns, too. Square hot dogs, you see, don't fit right in round buns. So we'd have to recalibrate the entire chain of processed junk food just to prevent children from choking on the dogs.

Personally, I think we should engage a little truth in advertising and just mandate that hot dogs be reshaped into fleshy cancer tumors. That way, you really know what you're eating. If these dogs resembled the diseased animals they're sometimes made from, choking would no longer be a problem at all because no one would eat them in the first place!

Check out my mystery meat macrophotography to see actual pictures of hot dogs, salami and other processed meatsup close and personal:

What's really in hot dogs

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60 percent of all infant choking emergency room visits are caused by food. Another one-third are caused by non-food items such as coins, buttons and marbles, and 9 percent of choking incidents are caused by "undetermined" objects. As in, "What the heck does little Joey have in his mouth?"

If he's choking on a hot dog, then what he has in his mouth should be quite frightening: Ground-up bits of meat scraps gathered from thousands of different carcasses from animals that were pumped full of hormones, fed chicken litter as part of their diet, treated inhumanely and slaughtered in a highly fearful environment that releases even more "terror" hormones into the meat at the moment of death.

On top of all that, there are the chemical additive ingredients that cause cancer and other diseases. Here are the ingredients for Oscar Meyer hot dogs:


Yumm! Sodium nitrite and corn syrup! Just what every little boy needs to grow up big and strong (and diabetic). And you just gotta love "mechanically separated turkey," pork and chicken. This is a technical-sounding term for a process that used to be called "mechanically reclaimed meat" (MRM).

As described on Wikipedia:

"Mechanically recovered/reclaimed meat (MRM), is a paste-like meat product produced by forcing beef, pork, turkey or chicken bones, with attached edible meat, under high pressure through a sieve or similar device to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue. Mechanically separated meat has been used in certain meat and meat products since the late 1960s. This product can be contrasted with meat extracted by advanced meat recovery systems. The most common use of MSM is into hotdogs."

Did you know that spinal cords go into the MRM machines, too? Yumm... spinal cord juice! As Wikipedia explains:

"Concerns were raised ...when the BSE epidemic, otherwise known as Mad-Cow Disease, was discovered in the United Kingdom in 1986. Since bits of the spinal cord (the part most likely to be carrying BSE) often got mixed in with the rest of the meat; products using mechanically separated meat taken from the carcasses of bovines were at higher risk for transmitting BSE to humans." (

Today, however, mechanically-separated beef isn't allowed in hot dogs, but turkey, pork and chicken certainly is.

What's a little pig spine in your food, anyway? How about some bird brain? Or some turkey tendon juice?

Lick it up, suckers! If you're eating hot dogs, you're basically eating animal juice paste. MRM machines are essentiallyanimals juicers that extract protein paste from carcasses. Combined with a little corn syrup, sodium nitrite and other chemicals, you get hot dogs!

Are you choking yet?

If not, just view the mystery meat macrophotography here:

Sources for this story include

Product review: Rejuvenate Berries and Herbs superfood is rich in RNA, plant proteins

(NaturalNews) It's rare that I discover a new superfood product that truly impresses me. SunWarrior ( has a new green superfood product that I still plan to review shortly, and I'm always a fan of LivingFuel (, Boku Superfood (, Delicious Greens (, Pure Synergy ( and X-Balance ( But recently I was handed a sample of a new superfood product made by Health Products Distributors Inc ( It's called Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs, and it really caught my attention as a truly remarkable new superfood product.

As you already know if you read frequently, I don't recommend superfood products made with soy protein, chemicals sweeteners or junk fillers of any kind. So right from the start you already know thatRejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is a cut above the norm. It's actually much more than that: Formulated by Dr. Hank Liers, this Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs superfood is a high-RNA, high-protein superfood concentrate powder made with organic freeze-dried berries and herbs. I've included a complete ingredients list below so you can see what's in it for yourself.

The best part of this product, though, is the amazing taste!You know how high-density green superfoods often have a taste that just makes you cringe? Seriously: I've managed to swig down some fairly smagnamanious concoctions in my days (yes, I just made that word up, don't bother trying to Google it), but as I've gained more experience in the world of superfoods, I've come to realize a simple but powerful truth about my own habits: If it doesn't taste good, I avoid consuming it. Even when I know that certain superfoods are really, really good for me, I've found that if they taste terrible, I just don't drink them as often as I wish to. (Have you noticed the same habit about yourself?)

Taste matters. Superfood powders that taste great get consumed with much higher frequency in my kitchen. That's why I go through so much LivingFuel -- it's simply a great-tasting superfood product with an impressive nutritional profile to boot!

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs tastes fantastic. So it automatically gets consumed with greater frequency in my household, and that feels good because I know just how impressive its nutritional profile is. It's made with sprouts protein, hemp protein, brown rice protein, blueberries and so much more (see the complete ingredients list below).

What really makes this product so remarkable is that it's a high-RNA formula made with nutrients that are specifically chosen for their RNA content such as Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) and RNA extracts of nutritional yeast.

In terms of supplemental vitamins, it contains the coenzyme forms of essential B vitamins -- these are the bioavailable forms, not the cheap chemical forms of vitamins you typically find in common multivitamin products.

Beyond that, Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs contains a wide array of immune-supporting herbs and mushroom extracts, liver-supporting nutrients, ginger root, sea vegetables, turmeric, astragalus and much more. The depth of its ingredients is really impressive.

By the way, Rejuvenate is a 100% vegan product. No animal ingredients whatsoever.

How to use Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs

Do you remember drinking strawberry milk as a kid? I used to love that sick stuff. As a kid, I drank the Quik brand strawberry milk product, loaded with processed sugar and artificial flavors. (No wonder I had so many cavities growing up...)

Today, you can create your own nutritionally-potent "strawberry milk superfood" by combining this Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs with raw almond milk fresh-pressed right out of the Hurom Slow Juicer ( Add a little stevia sweetener and you've got a super nutritious, ridiculously delicious "strawberry milk" superfood beverage that's loaded with health-enhancing nutrients.

It only takes minutes to make with the Hurom Slow Juicer. Just soak raw almonds in water for a few hours, then pop them into the Hurom Slow Juicer. Out comes fresh almond milk! Blend it with this Rejuvenate product and you're in business!

You can also, of course, blend Rejuvenate with just about any fruit smoothie. Here in Ecuador where I have fresh tropical fruit readily available, I've blended this product with bananas, papayas, pineapples (really good), guavas, zapote fruit (strange), wild gooseberries (uvillas), and of course fresh garden juice too (parsley, cucumbers, celery, beets, bean sprouts).

But my favorite recipe with this product is the simplest one: Rejuvenate plus fresh almond milk pressed right on my kitchen countertop.

Where to get Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs

This remarkable superfood product is available straight from the manufacturer at a 10% discount off the retail price. Check that out here:

The same discounted price is also available through our NaturalNews Store:

30% off - For a very limited time, HPDI has supplied our NaturalNews Store with a quantity of this product with permission to offer it at a one-time "introductory discount" of 30% off when you buy three. This offer was only made possible with the permission of HPDI and it's a one-time offer that's good only while this inventory lasts.

Take advantage of the 30% off discount here by buying a three-pack of Rejuvenate:

A word about price

I fully realize there are less-expensive meal replacement "superfood" products on the market. But all the really good ones I've recommended over the years -- HealthForce Nutritionals, LivingFuel, Pure Synergy, and so on -- have all been on the higher end of the pricing scale. That's no coincidence.

I only recommend the very best in the industry. There are cheaper products on the market, and there are some really awful products made with 50% lecithin filler, soy protein and other less desirable ingredients. (You noticed I've never recommended the Spirutein product line, right?)

I don't claim to know all the best products in the world, as I'm sure there are others I have yet to discover and review, but of the products I am aware of, this Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs takes its place among the very best in the world. You won't find it in Whole Foods (not yet anyway) because if it were distributed through that retail channel, the price would probably have to be raised significantly higher. Getting it directly from HPDI or the NN Store helps keep the costs down vs. retail distribution.

Besides, if you compare ingredients to ingredients, and you really look at what goes into these superfood products, you'll agree that Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs is a serious contender for the "Best Superfood" award of 2010.

Quality ingredients cost money. But a little goes a long way. If you're on a tight budget, just using one tablespoon a day of this product can confer tremendous nutritional benefits that you might otherwise miss. Personally, I think it's better to use a little bit of a high potency superfood each day rather than a larger quantity of some cheap product made with lots of filler.

Speaking of filler, the most common filler to watch out for in the health products marketplace is soy protein. The second filler is usually soy lecithin. I don't mind some amount of lecithin in a product, but when it starts to approach 25% of the total recipe, that's when I know it's just cheap filler.

And of course, the really non-desirable products are sweetened with artificial chemical sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame. Don't even think about buying those.

Stick with the high-quality products and you'll be far happier with your results.

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs comes with a satisfaction guarantee, by the way, when you get it from the Natural News Store. I think you'll really love this product! Pick up some right here:

The ingredients

Rice Protein, Vegetable Sprouts Protein (65% protein), Hemp Protein with fiber (37% protein), Flax Seed Flour (cold-milled), Rice Bran Solubles, D-Ribose, Blueberry powder (organic freeze dried), Cranberry powder (organic freeze dried), Strawberry powder (organic freeze dried), Raspberry powder (organic freeze dried), Nutritional Yeast (brewers yeast), Lecithin (High Phosphatide), Xylitol (organic hardwood), Mannitol, Inulin (chicory root), VitaBerry Plus, L-Lysine (USP grade), Vanilla Flavoring (Organic), Organic Mixed Berry Flavoring, RNA from yeast, Vitamin C (from Mg ascorbate), Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), Burdock Root (Organic), Astragalus (Organic), Turmeric (Organic), Proprietary Enzyme Blend (Protease, Peptidase, Cellulase), Ginger Root (Organic), L-Malic Acid, Rhodiola rosea (root) (3% rosavins), Quercetin Chalcone®, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Milk Thistle Standardized Extract (82% silymarin), Licorice (root) (Organic), Kelp (Organic), Dulse (Organic), Inositol, Green Tea Extract (95% polyphenols), Dandelion Root (Organic), Aloe vera (ActivAloe 200:1), Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate), Magnesium (from Mg malate), Stevia Leaf Extract, Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B3 (niacinamide), BioVin Grape Extract, Choline (from bitartrate). Immune-Assist (organic medicinal mushrooms), Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin E (high-gamma mixed tocopherols), Vitamin B5 Pantethine, Germanium Sesquioxide, TransResveratrol (Polygonum cuspidatum), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin-5'-phosphate), Vitamin B1 (thiamin diphosphate), Magnesium (from Mg ascorbate), Biotin, Folinic Acid (from calcium folinate), Vitamin K1 (as phylloquinone), Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin), Selenium (from l-Selenomethionine), and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Information from the manufacturer - Background on the formulation

REJUVENATE! BERRIES & HERBS is designed to provide high levels of nucleic acids, including RNA, DNA, nucleotides, and nucleosides. Modern western diets can be deficient in nucleic acids, at least relative to many traditional diets. Food sources of nucleic acids include certain fish, organ meats, beans, yeast, and various food algae. In general, foods high in purines contain above average levels of nucleic acids. In comparison to most fish and organ meats, muscle meats (e.g., beef, chicken, pork, etc) are relatively deficient in nucleic acids. Moreover, while certain vegetables (beans, asparagus, spinach) and vegetable soups provide reasonably high levels of nucleic acids, most vegetables do not. Because modern western diets typically depend heavily on muscle meats, processed foods, and foods produced via industrial agriculture, nucleic acid intake generally is quite low (relative to traditional diets), and continues to decline, except when certain foods or supplements are added to the diet. For example, the Japanese consume higher amounts of spirulina and chlorella; the British consume a yeast extract known as “Marmite” and the Australians consume “Vegemite,” etc. Moreover, many fish-eating cultures are known for health and longevity. Many researchers have concluded that higher levels of health among fish-eating peoples not only relates to increased intake of essential fats, but also relates to higher intake of nucleic acids.

Nucleic acids are involved in many bodily processes, especially energy production and communication within cells (i.e., they enable cells to use energy effectively for greater health). In the cell nucleus, RNA carries out instructions coded in DNA instructions containing information critical for cell structure and function which are essential for the very lives of our cells, and thereby for our lives. When our cells receive proper directions and energy to carry them out, they keep us youthful.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the molecular biologist Dr. Benjamin S. Frank pioneered dietary nucleic acid therapy [through nutrition] using yeast extracts and fish, especially sardines. He wrote several books regarding his studies, including Dr. Frank's No-Aging Diet: Eat and Grow Younger (1976), a bestseller that popularized the so-called “fish diet.” Dr. Frank's experiments with high-RNA diets showed that increased dietary intake of nucleic acids produced marked improvements in health both in specific conditions, as well as in general health and vitality.

Dr. Frank's animal experiments, and his experience with human subjects, showed many beneficial effects, indicating that dietary nucleic acids (i.e., nucleic acid in the diet and through dietary supplementation) can be useful adjuncts in protocols for a wide variety of conditions. Among the beneficial effects Dr. Frank recorded were increased growth (especially muscle growth), greater endurance; positive effects on the cardiovascular system; greater lung capacity and easier breathing (i.e., better oxygen utilization); higher tolerance for temperature extremes (cold and hot); smoother skin and a more youthful appearance; greater vitality and longevity (in experimental animals compared to controls).

Dr. Frank's human subjects also showed many positive effects, including increased energy levels, greater endurance, improved muscle strength, easier breathing, lowered cholesterol levels, diminishment of angina pains and other beneficial cardiovascular effects, blood sugar stabilization, improved vision, and a more youthful appearance.

In his books, Dr. Frank addresses how nucleic acids can dramatically increase cellular energy. Nucleic acids boost energy levels in the body is by significantly increasing production of the "high-energy" molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The body requires the energy from ATP for many purposes, including for repairing, healing, metabolism, digestion, building a strong immune system, and other processes.

The pioneering work of Dr. Frank has provided a scientific and clinical basis for pursuing development of nutritional formulas that leverage the power of dietary nucleic acids for greater health and well-being.

Cancers can re-seed themselves after chemo, surgery or radiation

(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York have published findings in the journal Cell that explain how tumor cells can re-seed and spread throughout the body after they have been removed through conventional chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation treatments. Tiny tumor cells that circulate throughout the body often begin to send out seeds to the places where the tumor originated, essentially planting the cancer back into the body.

Joan Massague and her colleagues at the Center are finding that conventional treatments leave behind malignant cells that relocate to other areas of the body to avoid being destroyed. Eventually they return as stronger and more aggressive tumors, having gathered back the worst leftover cells from the previous cancer. The result is a second cancer that is worse than the first.

Chemicals present in the immune system also appear to signal tumor cells in circulation to return to their source. Following conventional treatment, the immune system actually works against the body by drawing the vagrant cancer cells back to where they originally seeded, kick starting a relapse.

Medical professionals typically attribute recurrences of cancer following conventional treatment to a few remaining cells that survived treatment and remained at the source. However this study illustrates definitively that lingering cells hide throughout the body and later return to self seed back where they originally started.

What these findings illustrate is that conventional cancer treatments are not effective at eradicating cancer from the body. The targeting of a specific area with surgery, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy cannot successfully remove the cancer from the body because its cells will find another place to live temporarily, only to return even stronger the next time.

Biopsies cause cancer to spread
A conventional biopsy is usually recommended as the best way to identify the presence of cancer, both before and after treatments. Needle biopsies involve taking tissue samples at various places in order to identify the presence of cancer cells. Official diagnosis of cancer cannot take place without a biopsy, resulting in the pressuring of patients to get one if they suspect a tumor.

Many doctors will insist that a person needs a biopsy, but the threat of spreading cancer far outweighs any perceived benefits. Those who receive biopsies will most likely experience unnecessary cancer spread and, following conventional treatment, will probably experience cancer reseeding. Cancer is known to develop at the puncture sites of biopsies.

Chemotherapy leads to reseeding
Chemotherapy treatments involve targeting cancer cells that are rapidly dividing and spreading with harsh chemicals designed to kill them. While treatment may kill the primary tumor, it fails to eradicate the cells that divide more slowly, resulting in a continued replication of cancer cells following treatment.

Many who believe they are in remission following their chemotherapy treatments later discover that their cancer has returned. Not only do they undergo the horrors of the treatment which leaves their body and health in shambles, but they often end up with a more severe version of their original cancer.

Conventional therapies are a failure
Conventional medicine is at a loss for how to deal with the problem of reseeding. Within their paradigm, chemotherapy, radiation, drugs, and surgery are the only options for treating someone with cancer. Now that these are proving to be largely ineffective, scientists are searching for yet another new drug to combat the tendency of cancers to re-seed in order to continue promoting these accepted forms of cancer treatment. They are even investigating the possibility of developing vaccines that will allegedly use the body's immune system to stop vagrant cancer cells.

The problem with drugs, surgery, and radiation is that they will never be able to systematically rid the body of the problem because they are only capable of targeting a confined area. These methods are also wrought with negative side effects so severe that many people end up dying simply from the treatment.

Conventional treatment is also extremely expensive, heavily burdening an already overwhelmed health care system. It is simply assumed that there are no alternative methods by which cancer can be treated, let alone prevented.

Many recently published studies have found that pomegranates, mangoes, and other natural foods contain valuable phytonutrients that effectively prevent and stop malignant cancer cells while preserving good cells. These nutrients holistically rid the body of harmful cells, targeting them wherever they hide in the body and eliminating them.

Conventional medicine would do best to begin focusing heavily on the compounds found in nature that are designed to deter cancer without inflicting negative side effects as an alternative to the mainstream methods that are only making the problem worse. Whether in aloe vera, peach pits, raw almonds, or the many fruits and vegetables found around the world, anti-cancer nutrients are everywhere and modern medicine is only beginning to recognize them. They may not result in the next big blockbuster drug but they work and they are inexpensive. Perhaps this is the reason they are generally marginalized and looked down upon by the cancer industry.

Sources for this story include:

Rates of chronic health problems in children soar

(NaturalNews) Researchers from Mass General Hospital for Children in Boston gathered data about US children with health problems. They looked at conditions that limited activities and/or schooling, required medication and/or specialized equipment and health services, and that lasted for at least a year. The results of this study, just published in the February issue of JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association), show an alarming trend. Chronic health conditions in American kids have increased dramatically in recent years -- rising from 12.8 percent in 1994 to 26.6 percent in 2006.

Over the six year study period, Jeanne Van Cleave, M.D., and her research team estimated changes in prevalence, incidence, and rates of remission in four categories: obesity (defined as a body mass index at or above the 95th percentile for age), asthma, learning or behavior problems, and other physical conditions such as diabetes and heart conditions. They compiled data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-Child Cohort, specifically looking at three groups of children who were between the ages of two through eight at the beginning of each study period. These groups were followed for three periods of six years each -- from 1988 to 1994, 1994 to 2000 and 2000 to 2006.

The results showed that the prevalence of chronic conditions, including obesity, increased with each subsequent group. Male, Hispanic, and black youth were found to be at the highest risk. Bottom line: as the years pass, more and more American kids appear to have chronic health problems when compared to similar youngsters in previous years.

There seems little doubt that the increasing rate of obesity among children and teens, most likely fueled by junk food and lack of exercise, is one important explanation for the increase in children's health problems. But in an editorial accompanying the JAMA study, Neal Halfon, M.D., M.P.H., of the University of California at Los Angeles, and Paul W. Newacheck, Dr.P.H., of the University of California at San Francisco, pointed out that other factors must be at work, too.

"The obesity epidemic seemed to develop at a time when many indicators suggested that children's health was generally improving. The data presented by Van Cleave et al suggest that the prevalence of other chronic health conditions is also increasing among U.S. children and that obesity is not the only clinical time bomb ticking away in children. There is an urgent need to better understand why this is the case and what can be done about it," they stated. "Addressing the increasing incidence and prevalence of chronic conditions in children will ultimately require major reforms in the child health system. The child health system needs to do a better job preventing childhood chronic illness. The possibilities for such changes are substantial, as are the implications of not acting."

NaturalNews has previously covered a host of environmental contaminants and toxins that could well be contributing to an increase in children's health problems. For example the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) is used in many hard plastics and can leach from toys and baby bottles. Widely found in the environment, BPA has been linked to health problems in fetuses, babies and children, including attention deficit disorder and neurological symptoms. (

For more information:

Breastfeeding Could Save The Lives Of 1.3 Million Children a Year

(NaturalNews) Providing breastfeeding education and support to new mothers could prevent more than one million child deaths every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Although the WHO recommends that infants start breastfeeding within one hour of birth and consume nothing but breast milk -- not even water -- for the first six months of life, less than 40 percent of mothers worldwide meet this goal. Insufficient breastfeeding is a problem in both rich and poor countries, the agency says.

Because breast milk provides the exact combination of nutrients that a developing infant needs, no artificial formula or adult food can match its nutritive value. In addition, breast milk provides important antibodies to the underdeveloped infant immune system, and helps children's immune systems develop in a healthy way. Even a formula that provides nutrition similar to that of breast milk does not provide this critical, immune-boosting function.

If 90 percent of women met the WHO breastfeeding guidelines, the agency says, 13 percent of global deaths under the age of five could be prevented, translating into 1.3 million lives saved per year.

Although many women start out breastfeeding, large numbers abandon the practice because they are unable to get the baby to latch on properly or do not know how to breastfeed without suffering unbearable pain or discomfort.

"When it comes to doing it practically, they don't have the practical support," said the WHO's Constanza Vallenas.

WHO Director-General Margaret Chan noted that during disasters, well-meaning donations of formula may encourage women to stop breastfeeding just at the time when the practice is most critical.

"During emergencies, unsolicited or uncontrolled donations of breast milk substitutes may undermine breastfeeding and should be avoided," she said. "The focus should be on active protection and support of breastfeeding."

Chan said that mothers in disaster zones need more support to be able to continue or resume breastfeeding.

Sources for this story include:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Toyota's consumer safety problems are dwarfed by body count of Big Pharma's deadly drugs

(NaturalNews) Even as Toyota now finds itself the target of an increasingly hyped-up inquisition about "public safety," skeptical consumers are asking the commonsense question: If public safety is so important, then why isn't Congress asking about the dangers of Big Pharma's deadly drugs?

Toyota's problems with throttle controls and brakes haven't actually killed anyone as far as we know. Even if deaths have occurred, their number would be extremely small compared to the number of deaths caused by Big Pharma's products. FDA-approved pharmaceuticals kill nearly 270 people each day in the United States alone, and that's according to conservative calculations published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. That's equivalent to a jumbo jet airliner falling out of the sky and crashing in a giant ball of flame every single day in the U.S.

If you're concerned about public safety in the United States, there's no industry that's more dangerous than the pharmaceutical industry. All the automobile manufacturers combined can't even begin to approach the body bag count produced by Big Pharma. So why is the U.S. Congress and mainstream media all of a sudden so gung-ho to accuse Toyota of compromising public safety while ignoring the far greater threat posed by Big Pharma? Because Toyota is an easy, convenient target that can distract people from the far worse dangers that no one dares speak of. As long as Americans can be distracted into focusing their fear and anger on Toyota, Big Pharma keeps on committing its crimes without being called to task.

And remember: Toyota is a foreign company while the giants of Big Pharma are American companies. Congress is quick to defend U.S. companies like General Motors and Merck, even if those companies pose a very real danger to public safety.

Just yesterday, published a story about the deliberate cover-up of deaths caused by Avandia, a top diabetes drug made by GlaxoSmithKline. According to FDA scientists, this drug is linked to 83,000 heart attacks. The company knew about this increased risk -- and so did the FDA! Yet both the FDA and GSK conspired to hide this information from the public, says the U.S. Senate committee report (

As a result of this effort to deliberately mislead the public over the lack of safety for its drug, Avandia remained "FDA approved" and now causes an estimated 500 heart attacks and 300 cases of heart failure every month in the USA alone.

That's the body count from just one medication. Add up the fatalities from all the other thousands of medications sold by the drug industry and you start to get the picture of just how large this threat to public health really is. People are dying every day in America due to dangerous prescription medications that the FDA knew were dangerous years ago!

Why medications are far more dangerous than defective vehicles

For Toyota to even come close to this level of dangerous deception, the company would have to deliberately build high-explosive bombs into its cars that were randomly set off when drivers tapped the brakes.

If 200 cars a day exploded into huge balls of flame on America's roads, then Toyota might start to approach the level of fatalities caused by Big Pharma's defective products. Until that happens, this whole attempt to attack Toyota over its relatively rare problems with throttle control is just a political witch hunt designed to distract people from the much larger threat to public safety posed by American companies like Merck.

Fraud and corruption

The real difference between Toyota and Big Pharma is that Toyota is trying to build safe cars while Big Pharma has no intention to do anything other than sell more drugs no matter how dangerous they are. In fact, Big Pharma goes out of its way to actually falsify evidence that attempts to turn dangerous chemicals into "scientifically proven safe drugs." It even invents fake diseases and then markets those to the public ("disease mongering") in order to sell more drugs that people don't even need!

So where's the outrage against the failed consumer safety practices of Big Pharma? Senators Grassley and Baucus seem to be the only U.S. Senators who are doing anything to go after the Big Pharma / FDA conspiracy that kills so many Americans. On the House side, Congressman Ron Paul gets it, too, but few of his colleagues dare take any action against the all-powerful pharmaceutical industry.

So while Big Pharma's unsafe consumer products are killing 270 people a day -- which is far more Americans than are dying from war in the Middle East -- Congress stirs up a hornet's nest of safety accusations against Toyota, a company whose unintentional errors have killed no one... and a company that has taken responsibility for fixing those errors free of charge.

When was the last time a drug company offered to pay to fix the damage caused by its harmful drugs? It wasn't too long ago, you may recall, that the drug industry was pressuring the U.S. Supreme Court to grant complete immunity against all liability from all its products! How's that for ducking responsibility? Even right now, all vaccines are exempted from consumer claims of damage, thanks to laws passed by Congress that protect the vaccine industry.

So while Toyota is stepping up to the plate to take responsibility for fixing its problems, the drug industry repeatedly tries to avoid any responsibility for all the pain, suffering and death it has unleashed upon the medication-taking public. In fact, getting Big Pharma to compensate even a single dollar to the damage it has caused patients normally requires a class action lawsuit. While Toyota openly offers to recall and repair all vehicles at its own cost, the drug companies actively fight any such effort with an army of lawyers!

Sure, Toyota made some engineering or manufacturing mistakes. But in Toyota's case, that's a rare departure from its longstanding core philosophy of quality and safety. For Big Pharma, ducking responsibility and selling dangerous products is the status quo -- it's the way the drug industry does business every single day: Bribing researchers, falsifying data, overbilling state Medicaid programs, bilking consumers with monopoly pricing, burying negative studies that it doesn't want the public to see, paying doctors "consulting fees" to prescribe more of its name-brand drugs, and so on. This is business as usual in the pharmaceutical industry.

Can you imagine the outcry against Toyota if it were discovered the company was bribing the safety testing companies or falsifying safety testing data? The public outcry would dominate the headlines for weeks! Yet when Big Pharma does it, you don't hear a word. It's just business as usual in the criminal pharmaceutical industry, where nobody even expects these companies to act with integrity anymore.

But I say to the press and the U.S. Congress if you're really concerned with consumer safety, shift your attention to Big Pharma. That's where the real crimes are taking place. That's where American consumers are being killed by defective products at a rate that makes Toyota's safety lapses seem downright inconsequential by comparison.