(NaturalNews) One of the advantages of natural medicine is that if you make a mistake on your dosage, it's usually no big deal because natural medicine is inherently safe. But conventional medicine, with all its toxic chemotherapy poisons and irradiation machines, can be fatal even when simple mistakes are made. Numerous patients have already been killed by miscalibrated chemotherapy pumps that drip poison in to the bodies of patients. And now there's news from Springfield Missouri where an actively-used brain cancer irradiation machine has been miscalibratedsince 2004.
Oops. Gee, didn't anyone wonder why the burn marks were so severe and patients were losing brain function so rapidly?
Oh, wait. I forgot: Nobody noticed because losing cognitive function is a "normal" side effect of conventional cancer treatments. Harming patients in the cancer industry is now so routine that nobody even notices it anymore!
Nobody bothered to check the machine
The facts of this case are a bit frightening because this could happen anywhere, in any hospital: For the last five years, patients undergoing brain irradiation treatments have been over-exposed to very high levels of radiation. The radiation machine at the CoxHealth hospital in Springfield, Missouri was apparently never calibrated correctly. The incompetent technicians who set up the machine (who probably lost their own brain function as a result of being around so many miscalibrated radiation machines) apparently never bothered to configure it correctly. They just used the default setting the machine came with, which happened to be the "Fry my brain" setting.Now here's the really scary part: The massive radiation overdose problem was only discovered when the hospital trained a new physician on the machine. They were apparently going over all the settings and functions of the machine when the new doctor asked something like, "Hey, why is this dosage knob turned all the way up to 'Hiroshima'?"
Hospital administrators scratched their heads (after which clumps of hair fell out) and then began to realize something was wrong. "This might explain all the severe radiation burns on patients skulls..."
So what, exactly, do you do in a case like this? Do you call all the brain cancer patients who suffered radiation burns and a loss of cognitive function and say, "Um, we're really sorry that we fried your brain because we were too stupid to configure the radiation machine correctly..."
Or do you just hope no one notices because cancer patients are too frightened to know the difference between "treatment" and a radiological assault?
I have a solution to this problem
This accidental irradiation overdose issue is a huge problem all across the country. Radiation machines are often miscalibrated, and there's virtually no oversight by anyone. Hospitals can openly operate miscalibrated machines for years on end without anyone doing a single thing to stop them.But I have a simple, highly-effective solution to this problem: Just require cancer doctors to irradiate their own brainsusing the machines before treating patients. If such a rule were enforced, I'll bet you that all of a sudden those machines would be correctly calibrated.
Naturopathic physicians, by the way, aren't afraid to take the same medicine they're about to prescribe to patients. You need these anti-viral herbs? I'll take some too just to show you how safe they are, see? No big deal.
But conventional cancer doctors would never inject themselves with chemotherapy or stick their heads under an operating radiotherapy machine. You know why? Because those treatments are dangerous! That's why they're reserved solely for patients. Only the patients get poisoned and irradiated.
Why do you think radiology technicians flee the room before they fire up their machines on patients? They flee the room because they don't want to be anywhere near that radiation!
Cancer doctors aren't very bright about curing cancer, but they are smart enough to figure out that radiation = cancer. Which makes it all the more hilarious that they use radiation to treat cancer, huh?
Apparently, radiation is good for YOU, but dangerous for THEM. It's a strange double standard...
How you can tell if radiation machines are dangerous
For those reading this who are still wishing to submit to radiation treatments for tumors, this commonsense question may have occurred to you: How can you tell if the machine is dangerous?The answer is simpler than you think: If it's ON!
There is no such thing as a "safe" irradiation machine. Even if the setting is the "normal" dose for radiation, it's still extremely dangerous. This is obvious by the fact that the whole point of the machine is to emit so much radiation that it kills cells in your body. The problem with this approach is that it doesn't just kill the cancer tumor cells; it also irradiates all the healthy cells in the path of the radiation, which is of course a straight line penetrating your skull (or other part of your body).
The only safe radiation machine is a non-functioning radiation machine.
And technically, even that's not true. Here's why...
Radioactive waste
Hospitals are a major source of radioactive waste. It's one of the dirty little secrets of the sick care industry: All these machines that emit radiation contain radioactive elements, of course. And when these machines are replaced or disposed of, their radioactive elements become radioactive waste.The disposal of this waste is supposed to be highly regulated, but it isn't as tightly controlled as you might imagine. In fact, a properly motivated terrorist could easily acquire some old hospital imaging equipment that still contains "hot" radioactive elements. (They can also get this from discarded dental X-ray equipment...)
Once you have these radioactive elements, it's a simple matter to build a so-called "dirty bomb." All you do is attach the radioactive core of the imaging equipment to some conventional explosives that can blast the core into dust, giving you airborne radioactive dust. Then you detonate that in an area with maximum population density, air flow or water flow to a populated area. It's no exaggeration to say that medical imaging equipment provides the raw materials for terrorists to quite easily bomb U.S. cities or water supplies in a radiological attack.
Isn't medicine bizarre? Not only do the "treatments" expose you to excess radiation, but the equipment used in hospitals is also a source of raw materials for weapons of mass destruction. Remember all those WMDs that were supposed to be in Iraq? They were never found because they're sitting in American hospitals disguised as radiotherapy machines and currently being targeted on American citizens. They actually draw a target on your skull when they fire these machines at you, by the way. How obvious can it get?
Whatever cancer you might have, I can guarantee you that your body is not deficient in radiation.
Irradiating your skull to treat cancer makes about as much sense as injecting poison into your veins to treat cancer (chemotherapy). It's one of the most misguided ideas to have ever been floated by the sick care industry -- an industry that still offers absolutely no solutions for curing cancer.
And yet, curing cancer is simple. Your body already knows how to do it. In the world of natural medicine, cancer is one of the most straightforward "diseases" to reverse if patients are willing to clean up their diets and embrace a healing lifestyle.