Thursday, February 25, 2010

Amazon John Easterling joins NaturalNews Talk Hour, plus guest Richard Cicchetti

(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour presents "Amazon John" Easterling, Founder of Amazon Herb Company as we discuss "Secrets from the Amazon Rainforest" and Richard Cicchetti, talking about "Healing Herbs, Powerful Solutions". This is a rare opportunity to learn about the beauty and power of medicinal herbs. Our show starts Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the right column of this page and you'll receive call-in details for the broadcast.

The NaturalNews Talk Hour is a "behind the scenes", up close and personal look at the most important issues of our time. Discover what the mainstream media hasn't told you about the secrets of optimal health, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

Jonathan Landsman, host of NaturalNews Talk Hour, says, "The first part of this show will take you on a mystical journey through the Amazon Rainforest. Together, we will connect with one of the most powerful places on earth. By the end of this program, you will have a new found LOVE and appreciation for the plant kingdom and life itself."

With participation by the Health Ranger, the NaturalNews Talk Hour features top-notch guests like Drs. Julian Whitaker, Bernie Siegel, T. Colin Campbell plus many other notable experts on healthy living.

Reader feedback about the talk hour has been extremely positive. One listener sent us this testimonial about the show:

"First off, Mike Adams and the NaturalNews website has forever changed my life. The independent point of view is a critical part of people awakening to what is "really" going on and how it affects their life on a daily basis. Now with the NaturalNews Talk Hour and the incredible guest list they are hosting, with their extensive knowledge and personal experiences, the information they can pass on to us is the "road-map" for personal health and healing. Words cannot express my sincerest thanks to the entire team for all that you do."
-Andy M.

The NaturalNews Talk Hour is sponsored by the NaturalNews MOXXOR Team. MOXXOR is a NEW class of omegas and antioxidants blended together into a powerful supplement. Improve your mobility, brain function and emotional well-being. To order MOXXOR – email:

Each show will continue to feature many of the top natural health experts in the world. To receive each week's unique call-in number, simply register by entering your email address in the form on the right.

This week's guest: "Amazon John" Easterling and Richard Cicchetti

"Amazon John" Easterling - Secrets from the Amazon Rainforest and Richard Cicchetti - Healing Herbs, Powerful Solutions - Thu. Feb. 25th

"Amazon John" Easterling, who holds a degree in Environmental Studies from the University of North Carolina, spent many years searching the Amazon Rainforest for treasures and ancient artifacts.

During his years of exploration in the Rainforest, he was introduced to the traditional use of medicinal plants. After a health crisis and life-changing experience using these botanicals, a simple truth became clear: The real treasure of the Rainforest is, in fact, the life-enhancing properties of the Rainforest plants.

Amazon Herb Co. is committed to creating a prosperous future for the Amazon by making the health potential of the Rainforest available to everyone and supporting like-minded entrepreneurs who share their vision. This company is truly dedicated to making a difference in YOUR life and the future of our planet.

Richard Cicchetti is a lifestyle trainer and coach specializing in the healing power of Amazon Herbs. His knowledge of herbs coupled with love and compassion for others is a gift to all of us. Richard offers real hope and health solutions for people living in a troubled world.

Since 1983, Richard has been the founder and president of NATURALUTIONS dedicated to supporting the health and happiness of people around the world. For over 30 years, Richard has been teaching and supporting others on how to maintain a high level of health and well being and, for those that are interested, start and build their own successful nutritional eco-business in the comfort of their home.

A Rare Opportunity! Two GREAT shows for one fantastic price – F.R.E.E. Register now using the email form in the right column, and you will be emailed show details. Don't miss out -- space is limited -- Register Now!

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