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Our show begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is free. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the right column of this page and you'll receive call-in details for the show.
Thanks for ALL YOU DO in bringing us these interviews, Jonathan! - Mary
What is Macrobiotics?
The macrobiotic approach is based on the view that we are the result of and are continually influenced by our total environment, which ranges from the foods we eat and our daily social interactions to the climate and geography in which we live.
In considering all factors that influence our lives, the macrobiotic approach to health and healing views sickness as the natural attempt of the body to return to a more harmonious and dynamic state with the natural environment. As what we choose to eat and drink and how we live our lives are primary environmental factors that influence our health and create who we are, the macrobiotic approach emphasizes the importance of proper dietary and lifestyle habits.
Jonathan Landsman, Host of the Talk Hour says, "Over 20 years ago, I first learned about Macrobiotics - thanks to my mom. I was amazed how simple changes to my diet and lifestyle could help dramatically improve the quality of my life. Our guest has seen so many people regain their health. This will be an inspirational show!"
Where does Macrobiotics come from?
The macrobiotic approach is based on principles, theories and practices that have been known to philosophers, scholars, and physicians throughout history. The term "macrobiotics" comes from Greek ("macro" meaning "large" or "long", and "bios" meaning "life") and was first coined by Hippocrates, the father of western medicine. The most recent development stems from Michio Kushi who was inspired by philosopher-writer George Ohsawa.
This week's guest: Phiya Kushi
Phiya Kushi - "Macrobiotic Miracles" Thu. June 17thPhiya Kushi was born in New York City and was raised in Brookline, Massachusetts. He, together with his siblings, grew up in the unique household of their parents, Michio and Aveline Kushi along with the thousands of individuals whom they opened their home to. As a result, Phiya has many friends that are like family around the world and is eternally grateful for the unique childhood experience his parents gave him.
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