"The NaturalNews Talk Hour and the incredible guest list they are hosting, with their extensive knowledge and personal experiences, pass on to us the road map for personal health. Words cannot express my sincerest thanks to the entire team for all that you do." - Andy M.
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
According to the National Institute on Mental Health, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. Symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity (over-activity).
As of 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 4.5 million children 5-17 years of age have been diagnosed or 3%-7% of school-aged children suffer from ADHD. Boys (9.5%) are more likely than girls (5.9%) to have been diagnosed with ADHD and the prevalence varies substantially by state, from a low of 5% in Colorado to a high of 11.1% in Alabama.
Jonathan Landsman, Host of the Talk Hour says, "Dr. DiMartino has been dealing with the problems associated with ADHD for years. His holistic approach has proven to be a highly-effective way of healing children and adults. This show will reveal a remarkable way of looking at ADHD, our nutritional habits, detoxification techniques, the value of loving relationships and much more!"
In 2005 dollars, the cost estimates for ADHD were around $36 to $52 billion. It is estimated to cost between $12,005 and $17,458 annually per individual with no end in sight. In fact, conventional medicine tells us there is no cure, it's genetic and that there is little connection between our diet or environment and ADHD. Yet, common sense tells us there must be a link between lifestyle and all types of dis-ease.
Recently, U.S. health data has linked children's attention-deficit disorder with exposure to common pesticides used on fruits and vegetables. Dr. DiMartino believes there is a strong relationship between our lifestyle habits and ADHD. His discoveries will open your mind to the amazing possibilities of a full recovery from this terrible condition.
This week's guest: Nicholas DiMartino, D.O., ND
Nicholas DiMartino, D.O., ND - "ADHD - A NEW Medical Perspective" Thu. May 20thNicholas DiMartino is a physician; who early in his career became intrigued by the interrelationship between mind-body-spirit, health and well-being. Consequently, he has taken time to study and broaden his view of healthcare beyond allopathic medicine and into traditional healing systems such as, Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, Naturopathic medicine, Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine and bodywork. Over the years, his medical practice has become a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern integrative medicine. Through his efforts, he has discovering a deeper, more intimate and transformative healing experience for all those interested.
"Dr. D" is currently practicing medicine at the Woodlands Healing Research Center located in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. The Woodlands Healing Research Center is a non-profit, multidisciplinary, integrative medical office that provides comprehensive family medical services emphasizing Environmental, Functional and Preventive Medicine.
In order to provide the safest and most effective nontoxic treatments, Woodlands utilizes a wide range of complementary medical modalities. Their doctors find the majority of today's health problems can be best managed by integrating more "functional" and "natural" therapies into conventional medical diagnosis and treatment. Woodlands' medical providers are trained in both areas of conventional and complementary medicine.
Don't Miss Out! This show will open your mind to the tremendous possibilities available for overcoming ADHD. Parents, teachers and healthcare providers are going to be amazed at the information revealed during this program. Register now using the email form in the right column, and you will be emailed show details. Space is limited - Register Now!
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