Thursday, May 27, 2010

Longevity guru Peter Ragnar joins NaturalNews Talk Hour

(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Peter Ragnar and "Serious Strength for EVERY Body". Are YOU ready to generate some serious strength? Peter will reveal (scientifically) how to stimulate great inner and outer strength without spending hours living in the gym. Our show begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the right column of this page and you'll receive call-in details for the broadcast.

I really love all the goodies in the Talk Hour – thank you for all the hard work that goes into producing these shows! - Pam A.

What is Serious Strength?

Serious strength is not only about lifting weights, but about lifting the spirit and reinforcing your resolve to conquer life's obstacles. Peter likes to call this "character". His philosophy and teachings are designed to keep us from becoming a casualty of mediocrity.

Prepare to re-discover that dogged determination, that inner drive, that white-hot fire of intensity to be more than you are – more than you thought you ever could be – at any age! This is NOT about having a bronzed, buffed, beach-boy body with six-pack abs. Serious strength is all about an unquenchable burning desire that's revealed by rugged, steel-cable tendons and ligaments and animal-like strength and muscles.

Discover the Real YOU

Ultimately, we are a self-surviving, self-generating, self-healing organism – unless we override our biological makeup mentally. Periodic testing allows us the opportunity to "discharge our strength". Nietzsche said "life itself is will to power; self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent results." During the show, Peter will expose the awesome power of our minds, energy healing and developing immortality.

Jonathan Landsman, Host of the Talk Hour says, "Peter is one of the most amazing human beings on the planet. His intelligence, experience and honesty make him one of the greatest leaders in natural health today. Within minutes of listening to Peter – you realize the unlimited power and potential within us."

This week's guest: Peter Ragnar

Peter Ragnar - "Serious Strength for EVERY Body" Thu. May 27th

Peter is a best-selling author attracting an international audience. He's written over twenty-five books and published courses on every aspect of personal development. He feeds the thirst for those special individuals who are on the quest for human excellence.

He presents unsurpassed physical skills and amazing feats of strength. His latest course, Serious Strength for Seniors and Kids Under 65, demonstrates that fitness, strength, and youthfulness can be achieved and maintained at any age. He continues to shatter his own lifetime records. Having read more that 10,000 books on every conceivable subject has made Peter an engaging and entertaining guest for the national media and with audiences everywhere.

Are YOU Ready? This program will enlighten, inspire and motivate you to reach your greatest human potential. Experience the energy and vitality of Peter Ragnar. Share this program with everyone you love. Register now using the email form in the right column, and you will be emailed show details. Space is limited - Register Now!

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