"Understanding the Super Food Miracle" and "Conscious Commerce" begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is free. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the right column of this page. You'll be emailed the call-in number to listen to this broadcast on Thursday.
The NaturalNews Talk Hour is a "behind the scenes", up close and personal look at the most important issues of our time. Discover what the mainstream media hasn't told you about the secrets of optimal health, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
Jonathan Landsman, host of NaturalNews Talk Hour, says "this final show of the year promises to be one of our very best. You'll discover how to properly nourish the body and support a healthier planet by making more conscious choices about our food purchases. Reno and Vanessa represent two of the finest health food companies on the planet!"
With participation by the Health Ranger, the NaturalNews Talk Hour features top-notch guests like Drs. Julian Whitaker, Bernie Siegel, T. Colin Campbell plus many other notable experts on healthy living.
Feedback has been extremely positive. Here's a testimonial from one of our listeners:
Jonathan is a respectful and caring host and the information he provides is not only informative and educational, but also fantastic reinforcement to all that I learn. The talk hour provides wonderful insight on breaking stories and includes exceptional speakers on important health topics, both in and out of the news. Thanks for the show – you make me smile every week!" - Kim T.
The NaturalNews Talk Hour is sponsored by the NaturalNews Moxxor Team, health-conscious, caring individuals committed to making a difference in the world we live in.
To become a team member, email naturalnewsteam@optonline.net. Each show will continue to feature the top natural health experts in the world. To receive each week's unique call-in number, simply register by entering your email address in the form on the right.
This week's guests: Reno Rolle, Co-Founder of Boku International, Dr. BJ Adrezin, Master Formulator Boku International and Vanessa Barg, Founder of Gnosis Chocolate
Reno Rolle and Dr. BJ Adrezin, "Understanding the Super Food Miracle" and Vanessa Barg, "Conscious Commerce" Thu. Dec. 17thOur first guests will be Reno Rolle, Co-Founder of Boku International and Dr. BJ Adrezin, Master Formulator of Boku International.
Boku Super Food's mission is to positively impact the highest number of people possible with the healing power of natural, organic nutrition.
Boku Super Food is an extremely high-end, certified organic (and vegan) combination of the very best superfoods on the planet. When you add Boku Super Food to any smoothie (or just a glass of water), you instantly upgrade that smoothie to a nutrient-dense, disease-fighting natural medicine powerhouse that works wonders on your health.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, says "the ingredients found in Boku Super Food can help protect your liver and kidneys from damage caused by pharmaceuticals! It's true: These nutrient-dense superfoods protect your body from drugs, chemicals and food additives. If you take pharmaceuticals, eating superfoods is a great way to help ensure that those pharmaceuticals don't kill you."
In addition, Mike says "the ingredients found in Boku Super Food contain natural plant-based medicines that regulate cholesterol and normalize blood pressure, even better than pharmaceuticals. In fact, in my opinion this product makes hundreds of pharmaceuticals obsolete."
Boku Super Foods can be found at http://www.bokusuperfood.com
Our next guest Vanessa Barg (aka Chocoalte Girl) is the creator of Gnosis chocolate, a certified holistic health counselor who began experimenting with raw chocolate because of her passion for health, nutrition, and the amazing qualities of this nutrient-dense superfood. She mixes every recipe, pours every mold, and decorates every bar by hand. She has worked hard to select the most potent combinations of superfoods to complement the highest quality raw chocolate in every bar.
Handcrafted using the finest 100% Organic raw ingredients, Gnosis Chocolate is made with care for our health and environment. Each bar is free of refined sugar, dairy, soy, cholesterol and gluten! With 13 decadent, unique flavors to choose from, you will continually be amazed at how satisfying these bars are - no matter what you crave!
This is the bar of choice for those who like their chocolate to deliver on all levels. Gnosis Chocolate makes every bar with loving intentions for your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
You can find more information on Gnosis chocolate at http://gnosischocolate.squarespace.com
The NaturalNews Talk Hour is happy to announce exclusive offers from Boku Super Food and Gnosis Chocolate. Don't miss out…super-saver discounts will be provided ONLY to our listening audience.
Register now using the email form in the right column, and you will be emailed the call-in number before the show. Don't miss out -- space is limited -- register now.
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