All natural health product companies are invited to participate. Final approval of each listing is determined by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and companies whose products do not meet standards of quality (or products from companies with questionable ethics) will not be listed. Specifically, products made with any ingredients that the Health Ranger considers to be synthetic or unhealthy will NOT be listed. This includes products made with Splenda, yeast extract, artificial colors, HFCS and many other ingredients. Only truly holistic / natural products will be included.
Readers that would like to receive the free guide when it's published may receive it via email by becoming a NaturalNews subscriber here:
To participate in this free NaturalNews Guide, your company may submit one "special offer" listing, via email, to the following email address: (please read full instructions below before submitting).
How to submit a free listing to the NaturalNews Year-End Health Products Directory
Please observe the following listing requirements. Due to the huge amount of work in compiling this guide, companies that fail to follow these requirements will not be listed:• There is a limit of one special offer from each company. A "special offer" can be for a single product or a collection of products sold at a single combo price.
• Special offers don't necessarily have to be physical products. You may list special offers for health-related services or books, too.
• Each special offer must have a specific web page URL so that readers can click directly to the special offer page to purchase the product, if they so choose.
• There may NOT be any pop-ups on the special offer page. Websites with pop-ups look cheesy and unprofessional.
• During the ordering process, companies may NOT place customers on auto-ship arrangements without clear disclosure language that requires customers to specifically opt in to auto-ship by checking a checkbox (or similar action).
• If a coupon code is required to claim the special offer, the code should be ALPHA characters only, not a combination of alpha and numeric (which causes too much confusion).
• NaturalNews does NOT ask for, nor receive, any commissions from the sales of products in this guide.
• Special sections in the guide will be created for special offers in Canada, Australia and the UK. This will allow our readers in those countries to more easily find local companies with special offers.
• The nature of this special offer guide is not suitable for listings of network marketing products or companies.
• IMPORTANT: Your listing request must be sent to us from an email sharing the same domain name as the company website. Absolutely no listings will be accepted from emails sent from Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo or other mail services. (This is to avoid fraudulent listings.) For example, if your company is, your listing request must be sent from an email sharing the same domain name, such as: Listings received that do not follow this requirement will be deleted! If your company does not have its own domain name, then you cannot be included in this guide.
• Make the subject of your email: "NaturalNews Year End Guide Listing". This will allow us to automatically sort your listing request into a processing folder. Email listing requests that do not have this subject line will not be considered.
Information to include in your listing:
Please email your listing to us at: specials@naturalnews.comInclude the following information, each on a separate line, please: (all this information will be made public)
• Company Name
• Company Website (starts with http://)
• Country where company is located (USA, Canada, etc.)
• Name of product being featured (just the name, not a description)
• (Optional) URL of image of product being featured (maximum 200 x 250 pixels) (starts with http://)
• Regular price of the item being featured
• Special offer price of the item being featured
• Expiration date of the special offer (can also be "no expiration" if you wish, just specify)
• Click URL of the special offer page on your website (starts with http://)
• A quick description of your customer satisfaction / return policy. Example: "30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee."
• A full list of the ingredients of the product (from your product label)
• Description of product being featured and the special offer. Please limit to 250 words.
Also include this information, which will NOT be published, so that we may contact you with any questions or clarifications:
• Your name (will be kept private)
• Your phone number (will be kept private)
• Your email address (will be kept private)
IMPORTANT: Once a listing is submitted to us, it will be published as-is. We do NOT edit your grammar or fix typos. If you have a mistake in your URL, or product name, or anywhere else, that mistake will be published and you will not have an opportunity to correct it. Please triple-check your listing BEFORE you send it to us to avoid having typos published.
Finally, include your electronic signature (just a line of text with your name) agreeing to the following terms and conditions, which you MUST include in your email to us:
Terms and Conditions: I hereby affirm that the information provided in this listing is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that I have the proper authority to officially represent the company and product(s) being listed here. I hereby grant NaturalNews irrevocable permission to publish my special offer listing, as-is, on the internet, and I agree to hold NaturalNews, its employees and officers harmless against any and all claims of monetary damages, loss of traffic, loss of sales or any other losses or damages that may or may not result from the publication or non-publication of my listing. I understand that the final decision of whether my listing will be published is up to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and that his decision is final. I understand there is no charge for this listing, and that similarly, NaturalNews has no obligation to respond to listing change requests or update requests (although NaturalNews may choose to do so if time permits). I understand that NaturalNews makes no guarantee regarding the amount of traffic or product sales that may result from being listed in this guide.
Summary of instructions
Here's everything summarized for you:#1) Send us a listing email with the correct subject line and from a company email account.
#2) Include all the listing details we need, as listed above.
#3) Include the terms of agreement and your electronic signature.
#4) Triple-check your email for accuracy, because no corrections are allowed.
Send the final listing email to:
(Optional) advertising in the guide
This NaturalNews guide has a limited number of advertising opportunities for companies that wish to achieve higher visibility in the guide with a graphical banner ad. The available ad size is 300 x 250 (a standard Google ad size), which clicks directly to your company website or special offer page.Contact the NaturalNews advertising department at for pricing details and listing schedule. Ads are filled from beginning to end on a first-come, first-served basis.
This advertising helps NaturalNews pay the considerable costs of compiling and publishing this guide.
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