Friday, December 18, 2009

Green tea nutrients prevent and treat brain disorders

(NaturalNews) The December issue of Nature Chemical Biology contains a study that reveals the powerful effect of the green tea component EGCG in preventing and treating serious brain disorders like Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and Parkinson's diseases. When combined with another isolated component, the elements therapeutically eliminate the protein amyloids which are thought to cause these brain diseases.

Amyloid plaques are tightly-bound protein sheets that make their way into the brain and occupy nerve cells. Sometimes they literally bind themselves around the brain tissue. Consequently, brain cells lose their oxygen source and begin to die, leading to memory and speech loss, diminished motor skills, and eventually death.

Researchers from Boston Biomedical Research Institute (BBRI) and the University of Pennsylvania discovered that two chemical components, one found in green tea, were able to break up the amyloid plaques and restore normal cell function in samples similar to what would be found in patients with brain disorders. The combination was found to be effective at eradicating all kinds of amyloids.

Representing the first time a specific set of chemical extracts has successfully destroyed protein amyloids, the research is breakthrough. Because amyloids are highly stable and incredibly complex, there have been no workable solutions to stopping their deadly impact on the central nervous system up until now.

Scientists are encouraged by the fact that such components have proven to be a viable treatment for serious degenerative brain disorders. They anticipate further research that will help to explain the mechanism behind the components that causes them to be so effective.

Comments by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

The "amyloid plaque" theory of brain diseases is actually a westernized, reductionist mythology that prefers physical explanations for degenerative disease.

In reality, however, these amyloid plaques are merely symptoms of an underlying biochemical or energetic imbalance. Once you correct those imbalances, the plaques naturally go away. Correcting those imbalances, not surprisingly, involves radical alterations in diet as well as the complete avoidance of inflammatory, brain-damaging chemicals found in foods, medicines, personal care products and household items (like cleaning solvents).

Green tea really does work to help protect the brain from degenerative damage because it helps neutralize dangerous inflammatory chemicals before they can reach the brain and cause extensive damage. In this way, green tea indirectly helps prevent amyloid plaques, although that's really just a secondary side effect of green tea's primary protective functions.

Green tea, by the way, also helps prevent both breast cancers and prostate cancers. If you enjoy the benefits of green tea, try even more powerful superfoods such as spirulina, chlorella, blue-green algae or spirulina! They each work in different ways. I take them all, including green tea.

There is a very strong link, by the way, between the cognitive function of the population and the future of any given nation. When brains become clouded with disease, the future of the nation begins to erode as voters (and their representatives) make poor decisions. The Roman Empire was destroyed by lead poisoning, it is believed. America may one day find itself failing under the burden of widespread cognitive failure caused by junk foods, psychotropic drugs, toxic personal care products, plastics chemicals and environmental toxins.

By the way, this latest research proves that green tea is medicine. The FDA, however, maintains its ridiculous position that there is no such thing as herbal medicine, because any herb that has any positive impact on the human body is actually an "unapproved drug." So the FDA continues to pretend that green tea is inert.

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